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Kayaking Wingra Creek

I've used this path next to a creek dozens of times. Today I instead kayaked down the creek and it was like I'd never been there before.

I was going to drive all the way to Madison for a 9 A.M. race and wanted to do more with my time there, so I brought along my kayak. The race would start and end right by a place to put a kayak into a creek I've only ever walked or rode along.

The creek barely has any current at all and continues from where I was for about 2 miles east before feeding into Lake Monona. It was quiet, easy paddling.

Wildlife was twice as close to me. I floated close enough to illicit indignant glares from a few herons (including an elusive green one). In the water, it was mostly small pan fish except for several very large carp.

I ended up traversing the lake ahead and paddling a loop around another alcove, adding 3 or 4 miles to my route. But the Wingra Creek stretch exceeded my expectations.

Although my experience was bolstered by perfect weather, sunny and in the mid-seventies - no wind, I would highly recommend this sneaky little river for an urban paddle.